Learn how a little levity and a 'no quitting' rule can help your kids become NFL stars
Learn how a little levity and a 'no quitting' rule can help your kids become NFL stars

Keep it Loose and Remind Them How Far They've Come

In the grand scheme of things the Super Bowl may seem like just another day for Donna Kelce mother of two NFL champions. But she understands the importance of offering her sons Travis Kelce and his Kansas City Chiefs some encouragement and nostalgic humor before the big game. As Kelce says "A little levity can go a long way in helping to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation."

Don't Put Too Much Pressure on Your Kids

According to a 2022 study by psychologists at the University of California Davis parents who push their kids too hard can actually cause higher rates of anxiety and depression. As researcher Jennifer Breheny Wallace explains "Kids of any age whose parents push them too hard experience higher rates of anxiety and depression which can ultimately make it harder for them to succeed as adults." So take a step back and give your kids the space to grow and thrive.

Travis Kelce's 'No Jitters' Super Bowl

Travis Kelce the star player for the Kansas City Chiefs is set to play in his third Super Bowl. And despite the pressure and media attention he claims to have "no jitters." Maybe it's because of his mother's sweet and funny texts the night before the game. Or maybe it's the fact that he's now dating pop star Taylor Swift. Either way he's feeling confident and ready to take on the challenge.

Kelce's One Rule: No Quitting

Donna Kelce had one golden rule for her sons when they were growing up: No quitting. Whether it was a sport or any other group activity they had to commit and see it through even if it didn't meet their expectations. As Kelce says "Your team depends on you. You have to show up on time every day whether you want to or not." It's a simple but powerful lesson that can shape a child's character and determination.

Mama Kelce: The Loveable Fan Favorite

Donna Kelce affectionately known as "Mama Kelce," became a fan favorite when her sons' teams faced off for last year's championship. This year she's looking forward to a lighter schedule and not having to choose sides. As she puts it "Last year I was pretty much working the whole time. But it was a blast." Mama Kelce's infectious enthusiasm and unwavering support have made her an inspiration to parents everywhere.

Ace Your Future Job Interview with CNBC

If you're looking to land your dream job in 2024 CNBC has got you covered. Their new online course How to Ace Your Job Interview will teach you everything you need to know. From what hiring managers are really looking for to body language techniques what to say and not to say and the best way to talk about pay. Don't miss out on this opportunity to upskill and increase your chances of success!


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