HSBC's full-year 2023 report reveals surprises and setbacks - from missed estimates to unexpected accounting quirks.
HSBC's full-year 2023 report reveals surprises and setbacks - from missed estimates to unexpected accounting quirks.

Oh Noel What a Rollercoaster!

HSBC's 2023 profits hit record highs but fell short of analyst predictions setting the stage for Chief Executive Noel Quinn's next thrill ride.

Accounting Quirks and Shenanigans

A "valuation adjustment" in China leaves HSBC with $3 billion less in its coffers who knew accounting could be such a wild rollercoaster ride?

Dividends and Buybacks Galore

Shareholders rejoice as HSBC announces a special dividend and a $2 billion share buyback proving that even rollercoasters can end on a high note.

Economic Trends and Mid Teens Dreams

HSBC looks towards Asia for growth despite the twists and turns of declining interest rates and shifting global supply chains will the ride ever smooth out?

Navigating Uncertain Waters

As HSBC braces for economic uncertainty Noel Quinn steers the ship promising mid single digit growth and a focus on non interest income revenue streams will this rollercoaster ever come to a stop?

The Ride Continues

With its sights set on the horizon HSBC embarks on another year of highs and lows twists and turns will 2024 be the year the rollercoaster levels out or are more surprises in store?


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