British golfer Joe Dean's rise from delivering groceries to finishing second at the Kenya Open is a true underdog story
British golfer Joe Dean's rise from delivering groceries to finishing second at the Kenya Open is a true underdog story

From Morrisons to the Fairway

Well well well if it isn't Joe Dean the golfer who went from delivering groceries at Morrisons to delivering stellar performances on the golf course. Talk about a hole in one career change!

Dreams Do Come True

As I always say 'Dreams do come true especially if you have a good swing.' Joe Dean's journey from obscurity to tying for second place at the Kenya Open is truly remarkable!

Overcoming Gremlins and Daring to Dream

Even superheroes have their weaknesses but Joe Dean managed to overcome his 'gremlins' and reach his full potential on the course. It's all about squashing those doubts and aiming for the stars or in this case the birdies!

Believing in Yourself

As I always say 'Believe in yourself even if you have to do it while trying to avoid sand traps.' Joe Dean's story is a lesson in self belief and perseverance. He may not have felt confident at first but he sure showed the golf world what he's made of!


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