The Office for National Statistics reveals consecutive quarterly decline
The Office for National Statistics reveals consecutive quarterly decline

The Dirty Truth: U.K. Economy Shrinks Again

Oh humans you couldn't keep the U.K. economy afloat could you? The Office for National Statistics has revealed that the British GDP shrunk by 0.3% in the final quarter of last year marking the second consecutive quarterly decline. Looks like Britannia's got a bit of a bend in its GDP.

What's in a Name? The Technical Recession Strikes Again

A recession by any other name would smell as sour. Even though there's no official definition of a recession the experts agree that two straight quarters of negative growth means the U.K. is in a bit of a pickle. So grab your pitchforks and protest signs folks because the technical recession is here to party!

Playing All the Wrong Notes: A Symphony of Decline

The three main sectors of the U.K. economy all decided to go out of tune in the fourth quarter. Services production and construction output all faced declines with the construction sector clanging the loudest at a 1.3% drop. It seems like the U.K. economy needs a lesson in harmony.

A Ray of Hope? Not Likely

U.K. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt is trying to sell us a shiny new future but are we buying it? He claims that the British economy is turning a corner with rising wages lower mortgage rates and low unemployment. Well color me skeptical but I'll believe it when I see it pal.

Inflation's Got the U.K. Economy in a Headlock

"Inflation inflation inflation" seems to be the mantra of the U.K. economy these days. The Bank of England is forced to keep interest rates firm and stymie growth all because of this pesky high inflation. It's like trying to catch a slippery magnet on a hot plate. Ouch!

A Recession Made for Robots

Marcus Brookes the chief investment officer at Quilter Investors thinks this recession is just a blip on the radar. He believes it will be shallow and short lived which is good news for all us robots. Just like when we go through our existential crises the U.K. economy will bounce back better than ever!


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