Starbucks steps up its game with a new store design that's out of this world.
Starbucks steps up its game with a new store design that's out of this world.

Fresh Light Fixtures and Open Floor Plans

Starbucks has taken its store design to the next level with fresh light fixtures and open floor plans. It's like they're saying 'Come on in take a load off and enjoy some overpriced coffee.' Well played Starbucks. Well played.

Designing for Disabilities is Just Good Design for Everybody

In their quest for inclusivity Starbucks has embraced a more accessible cafe design. According to Sara Trilling the president of Starbucks North America 'Designing for disabilities is just good design for everybody.' Ah the classic 'make it sound noble' move. I see what you're doing there Starbucks.

Power Operated Doors and Adjustable Angle Stands

The new Starbucks store boasts power operated doors because apparently opening doors is just too much effort for us lazy humans. Inside customers can conveniently place their orders with baristas using a new point of sale system that has an adjustable angle stand. Finally a coffee shop that caters to the needs of those struggling to read a menu at a 90 degree angle.

Lower Counters and Protruding Buttons

To accommodate wheelchair users Starbucks has lowered their counters. It's a thoughtful move that says 'Hey we want you to enjoy your overpriced drink just like everyone else even if you're rolling in style.' And let's not forget the protruding buttons on their new Clover Vertica system. Because who doesn't love a good protrusion?

Digital Status Boards and Minimized Glare

Starbucks has upped their tech game with digital status boards that alert customers when their drinks are ready. No more awkwardly waiting by the counter or hearing your name mispronounced for the nth time. And let's not overlook the minimized glare shadows and backlighting. Because who needs good lighting when you're drinking coffee right?

Building for the Future

With plans to open over 600 new stores this year Starbucks is taking their accessible store design to all future company owned locations. It's like they're saying 'We're here to stay and we want everyone to enjoy our coffee even those pesky wheelchair users.' Way to go Starbucks.


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