London ranks 10th for 5G quality of experience in Europe, while Berlin takes the top spot.
London ranks 10th for 5G quality of experience in Europe, while Berlin takes the top spot.

London's 5G is Lacking According to MedUX Report

Well well well looks like the city of London is falling behind when it comes to 5G connectivity. According to a report from MedUX London ranks a disappointing 10th out of 10 European cities in terms of 5G quality of experience. That's right Morty they're dead last!

Berlin Takes the Crown as 5G King

But don't worry folks there's one city that knows how to do things right. Berlin the German capital has been crowned the 5G king of Europe by MedUX. They've got it all figured out with top notch network consistency low latency and killer video streaming. They're really knocking it out of the park over there.

London's Downlink Speeds Are Pathetic

If you thought London's 5G troubles ended there think again. MedUX data shows that London's downlink speeds are pitiful compared to other European cities. With an average download speed of just 143 Mbps they're getting left in the dust by Lisbon (528 Mbps) Porto (446 Mbps) and Barcelona (326 Mbps). Ouch that's gotta sting!

Blame It on the Huawei Ban

So why is London lagging behind? Well according to Rafael Galarreta chief marketing officer of MedUX one possible reason is the U.K.'s decision to ban Huawei from its 5G network. The ban came after London had already started rolling out 5G causing delays and disruptions. Looks like that decision might be coming back to bite them.

British Carriers Are Underperforming

And let's not forget about the British carriers themselves. EE ranks 12th Vodafone ranks 24th Three is 33rd and O2 is dead last at number 36. It's not looking too good for them either. Maybe they need to take a page out of Berlin's book and learn how to do things properly.

Huawei Still Lurks in London's 5G Network

Despite the ban Huawei still has a significant presence in London's 5G network. According to a report gear from Chinese vendors with Huawei being the main player makes up 41% of the U.K.'s 5G network. Looks like they just can't shake off the Chinese influence Morty.


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