Toy company Hasbro announces a significant hit to revenue and a bleak future forecast.
Toy company Hasbro announces a significant hit to revenue and a bleak future forecast.

A Blow to Hasbro's Wallet

Looks like Hasbro took a serious hit to its fourth quarter revenue with a more than 20% decline. Ouch! It's like stepping on a landmine baby!

Not Meeting Expectations

Hasbro's earnings per share came in at 38 cents falling far short of the expected 66 cents. Time to kick some ass and chew bubblegum but we're all out of gum!

Revenue Rollercoaster

Revenue for the last three months of 2023 plummeted to $1.29 billion way lower than the anticipated $1.36 billion. Looks like Hasbro took a dive off a skyscraper just like in one of my games!

Wider Losses

Hasbro's losses for this quarter were absolutely mind blowing. They lost a staggering $1.06 billion or $7.64 per share. That's enough to make any badass warrior shed a single tear.

Bright Spots in the Darkness

While overall revenue declined there were a few glimmers of hope for Hasbro. The Wizards of the Coast and digital gaming segment saw an increase in revenue thanks to Baldur's Gate 3 and Monopoly Go. Hey Hasbro let me know if you need someone to voice a Duke Nukem themed Monopoly game! Hail to the tokens baby!

Cost Cutting Measures and Layoffs

Hasbro certainly didn't hold back when it came to slashing costs. They reduced their inventory by more than 50% and announced plans to cut $750 million in costs by the end of 2025. They also had to lay off 1,100 employees. That's a lot of people no longer getting to kick butt and chew bubblegum!


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