Hasbro reports a significant drop in fourth-quarter revenue and issues a gloomy forecast for 2024.
Hasbro reports a significant drop in fourth-quarter revenue and issues a gloomy forecast for 2024.

The Fourth Quarter Blues

Hey there MJ here! So it looks like Hasbro had a bit of a tough time in the fourth quarter of 2023. They took a hit with their revenue dropping more than 20% compared to expectations. Ouch! That's gotta sting.

Disappointing Numbers Folks

Now let's break down these numbers a bit. The earnings per share came in at 38 cents falling short of the 66 cents that analysts were hoping for. And as for revenue well it was $1.29 billion instead of the expected $1.36 billion. I guess you could say Hasbro missed the mark just like when I miss a dunk... which is never!

A Swish of Losses

Wait hold up! Hasbro reported a loss of $1.06 billion for the last three months of 2023. That's a whole lot of zeros! Last year they only had losses of $128.9 million. Looks like they went from scoring three pointers to airballs. Tough break Hasbro.

The Bright Spots

Okay not everything was a disaster for Hasbro. They did see an increase in revenue for their Wizards of the Coast and digital gaming segment. Apparently Baldur's Gate 3 and Monopoly Go brought in some serious dough. Maybe they should rename it Michael Jordanopoly to really rake in the cash!

Inventory Reduction: A Slam Dunk?

Hasbro managed to reduce their inventory by more than 50%. That's quite impressive! It's like making a game winning shot at the buzzer. Way to go Hasbro! Maybe I can give them some pointers on how to handle inventory considering I have a few pairs of sneakers lying around myself.

A New Game Plan

Hasbro isn't sitting back and wallowing in their losses. They've got a plan! They're aiming to cut costs by a whopping $750 million by the end of 2025. That's a lot of dough! Looks like they're taking a page out of my playbook and going for the slam dunk. Keep pushing Hasbro!


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