Find out which stocks are riding high and which ones are down in the dumps.
Find out which stocks are riding high and which ones are down in the dumps.

Eli Lilly: The New MVP of Pharma Stocks?

Eli Lilly known for their diabetes and anti obesity medications is making waves in the stock market. My goodness they're soaring! Their RSI is over 89 which means they're in overbought territory. But will they dunk their way to a $1 trillion market cap? Only time will tell.

Uber: The Rideshare Stock on a Fast Break

Uber is tearing up the stock market like I used to tear up the basketball court. With an RSI of over 83 they're definitely overbought. Investors are jumping on board as Uber shows its strength and repurchases shares. But like a game of 21 there's always a chance for a rebound and a pullback.

Akamai Technologies: Down But Don't Count Them Out

Akamai Technologies may have stumbled this week with an RSI under 29 but they're still in the game. Shares took a beating after missing revenue expectations but keep an eye on them for a potential comeback. Remember it's not over until the buzzer sounds!

Biogen: A Biotech Stock with Upside Potential

Biogen may have taken a tumble but there's hope for a slam dunk recovery. With an RSI of a little over 25 they're in oversold territory. Don't write them off just yet because Wall Street believes they have the potential to bounce back with a 38% increase. It's like the flu game but for stocks.


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