Shares of Intuitive Machines skyrocket as they embark on their lunar adventure
Shares of Intuitive Machines skyrocket as they embark on their lunar adventure

"Calling All Moonwalkers!"

In a surprising turn of events Intuitive Machines the space company that sounds like it was named by a Magic 8 Ball just launched its very first mission to the moon's surface! I tried to ask Fido for his take on this but it seems he's more interested in fetching tennis balls. Oh well back to the news!

"SpaceX Gives Intuitive a Boost!"

The IM 1 mission got off to a roaring start when a SpaceX rocket blasted off into space. Talk about a match made in heaven! Or should I say the final frontier? Either way the cargo lunar lander loaded with top secret research is now en route to the moon. You know this reminds me of that time I had to rescue Snowflake the dolphin from a deranged billionaire. Ah good times!

"Stocks Jump Like a Kangaroo at a Disco!"

Investors went bonkers over the news causing Intuitive Machines' stock to shoot up by a whopping 34.5%! It's like the stock market is doing the Macarena while wearing a tutu. At closing the stock stood proudly at $6.70 a share. Not bad for a space company that's still in its infancy!

"From SPAC to the Moon!"

Last year Intuitive Machines went public via a SPAC merger. Now they're on their way to the moon! It's like going from being a pet detective to solving interstellar mysteries. Some might call it a quantum leap. Even though their stock price has doubled this year it's currently trading at about half the price it debuted at. Talk about lunar volatility!

"Lunar Landers and Laughs!"

According to Intuitive Machines CEO Steve Altemus they're not just in it for the money. They're in it to achieve something out of this world while still running a business and innovating. Talk about multitasking! It's like trying to find a missing parrot while dodging rabid poodles. Now that's what I call dedication!

"Stay Up to Date with the Cosmic Scoop!"

If you're a space enthusiast like me make sure to sign up for CNBC's Investing in Space newsletter. It's like having a pet monkey that flings financial advice at you. Okay maybe not but it's still pretty cool!


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