A Black-owned bakery in San Jose faces a pie-fall after Tesla cancels $16,000 catering contract at the last minute.
A Black-owned bakery in San Jose faces a pie-fall after Tesla cancels $16,000 catering contract at the last minute.

The Sweet Deal Turns Sour

Alrighty then! A Black owned bakery in the South Bay thought they had an exciting catering deal with Tesla to celebrate Black Heritage Month. But just like a raccoon at a luau things took a turn for the worse!

Pie gate Scandal Unfolds

The owner of The Giving Pies got the call of a lifetime from Tesla only to have the $16,000 catering contract vanish faster than a guano bat signal in Gotham City. That's gotta sting like a bee folks!

Cancel Culture Strikes Again

In a plot twist worthy of a Jim Carrey movie Tesla hit the bakery with a last minute text message canceling the order. Talk about dropping the ball faster than a football made of albatross feathers!

No Dough Big Woe

"It felt like we didn't matter," said the bakery owner. This is one dessert disaster that should be investigated by the one and only Pet Detective! Paging Ace Ventura!

The Mystery of the Missing Pies

With Google Apple and Adobe on the bakery's resume Tesla's cancellation leaves a bitter taste in everyone's mouth. Will there be justice for the lost pies? Stay tuned!

Tesla Stays Silent Bakery Left High and Dry

In a move straight out of a Hollywood script Tesla remains tight lipped about the catering catastrophe. Will they compensate the bakery for their time and expenses? Only time will tell folks!


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