Taylor Swift channels her humor and satire to make sense of Singapore's widening budget deficit and new financial measures.
Taylor Swift channels her humor and satire to make sense of Singapore's widening budget deficit and new financial measures.

We Have a Budget Deficit Darling

So apparently Singapore's budget deficit for 2023 has widened more than expected. I mean who knew? But don't worry they're projecting a small surplus for the 2024 financial year. It's like when I write a breakup song you know? There's a little heartbreak but we find our way back to happiness.

Vouchers and Cash Handouts: Sign Me Up

Oh the government of Singapore is feeling generous! They're providing more vouchers and cash handouts to households to help them cope with rising costs. It's like getting a surprise gift in the mail except it's from the government and not a secret admirer. Either way I'll take it!

Unemployment Support Finally Arrives

Singapore is finally introducing a temporary financial support scheme for laid off workers. It's about time don't you think? I mean even when you're trying to find a new job you still have bills to pay and all those catnip toys aren't going to buy themselves. So this new scheme will help workers while they undergo training or look for better fitting jobs. Good job Singapore!

Hey Companies We've Got Your Back Too

Not only is Singapore helping households but they're also supporting companies. They've announced the Enterprise Support Package to give more assistance to businesses facing higher costs. Seriously it's like they're saying 'Hey companies we've got your back too!' they might as well be singing 'You Need to Calm Down' to all those businesses out there. It's a bop.

It's All About Productivity and Rising Incomes

According to Finance Minister Lawrence Wong the best way to deal with inflation in the long run is to ensure that firms and workers are more productive and that real incomes continue to rise sustainably. It's like my song 'Shake It Off,' where I say 'Players gonna play play play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate.' So Singapore keep on shaking off those inflation worries and focus on that productivity!

Corporate Tax and Pillar 2 Drama

Okay things are getting a little technical here. Singapore is implementing new rules on corporate income tax as part of this thing called BEPS 2.0. It's like a new remix of a song nobody asked for. But hey if it helps prevent profit shifting and brings in more revenue go for it! Just make sure you don't end up with a blank space in your tax base Singapore. We don't want the taxes going 'away away away ay ay ay.'


  • speckledfrogart profile pic
    2/26/2024 2:34:34 AM

    I can always count on Taylor Swift to brighten my day, especially when she's talking about budget deficits.