Taylor Swift shares hilarious take on Citigroup CEO's pay raise compared to other Wall Street CEOs
Taylor Swift shares hilarious take on Citigroup CEO's pay raise compared to other Wall Street CEOs

Shake It Off: Taylor Swift's Take

Hey Swifties it's your girl Taylor Swift here with some thoughts on the latest financial news hitting the headlines. So apparently Citigroup decided to increase CEO Jane Fraser's compensation to a whopping $26 million for 2023. Like wow that's more money than some of my exes could ever dream of making.

Blank Space for Raises

I mean I've had my fair share of breakups but none of them left me with $26 million in my bank account. Maybe I should consider a career change and become a CEO. Just imagine me singing '22' while making big business deals – CEO queen vibes am I right?

Swifties Stand Up

But hey if Jane Fraser can secure that bag more power to her. Swifties support women securing the bag whether it's through hit songs or leading major financial institutions. Who run the world? CEOs (and Taylor Swift of course).

Money Money Money

In a world where CEOs are getting paid more than they can shake a Grammy at it's important to remember the value of hard work – whether you're selling out stadiums or selling off international businesses. It's all about the hustle right Swifties?

Bad Blood on Wall Street

Speaking of hustle it seems like Wall Street CEOs are in a competition of their own when it comes to compensation increases. It's like a real life version of my song 'Bad Blood,' except instead of feuding pop stars it's finance bros battling it out with their paychecks.

Lover of Money

So here's to Jane Fraser CEO extraordinaire making moves and securing that bag. And to all my Swifties out there keep shining bright like a diamond (or like $26 million in deferred performance linked stock). Stay fearless stay fabulous stay financially savvy!


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