A comedic look at U.K. inflation and its impact on the economy
A comedic look at U.K. inflation and its impact on the economy

Mr. Bean's Introduction

Well hello there! Guess what? U.K. inflation held steady at a whopping 4% in January. Turns out people in the U.K. are really good at making things expensive!

The Joy of Negative Territory

In January the consumer price index fell to 0.6%. Negative territory ladies and gentlemen! It's like the U.K. decided to do a little reverse dance and surprise us all. It's a bit like when I accidentally put my pants on backward. Oops!

The ONS Weighs In

"The largest downward contribution came from furniture and household goods and food and non alcoholic beverages," said the Office for National Statistics. I guess people in the U.K. are tired of sitting on furniture and eating...non alcoholic beverages?

Core CPI: Not so Core After All

The core CPI figure which excludes all the fun stuff like food energy alcohol and tobacco prices came in at 5.1%. That's a bit lower than expected but hey who needs fun when you've got boring old core inflation am I right?

Jeremy Hunt's Plan

"The plan is working," says U.K. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt. Ah yes the plan to bring inflation down from 11% to 2% in a matter of months. That's like trying to turn my old Mini Cooper into a Formula One car. Good luck with that!

The Services Industry: the Real MVP

Price pressures in the services industry are skyrocketing with the CPI services annual rate rising to 6.5%. It's like the services industry is saying "Hold my cup of tea I can inflate prices too!"


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