President Joe Biden's fundraising efforts led by a 'dream team' of advisers gearing up to defeat ex-President Trump.
President Joe Biden's fundraising efforts led by a 'dream team' of advisers gearing up to defeat ex-President Trump.

The Dream Team's Rise

Oh what a dream team Joe Biden has assembled to take on Trump! Like Teddy and his trusty teddy bear these folks are inseparable.

Gathering the Funds

Money money money! Biden's team has been hitting up folks left and right to fill that campaign piggy bank. Maybe I should ask for donations for my comedy skits!

Strategic Moves

Katzenberg Gifford and pals are busy courting Republican donors. Reminds me of when I tried to make friends with the people on the airplane!

High Hopes and Hiccups

Haley might be holding on for dear life but some think it's time for her to 'bean' out of the race. As for Biden well he's got the money moves that make Trump's campaign look like a Mr. Bean skit!

Party Time!

From West Coast extravaganzas to New York shindigs Biden's team sure knows how to throw a party! I wonder if they need a clown to entertain the guests?

Luring Back the Donors

With one to one charm offensives and private White House events Biden's folks are winning back donors who were once grumpy like old Mr. Sprout. Trump may be the real MVP here pushing folks back into Biden's embrace.


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