The IRS Reports Smaller Average Refunds for Tax Season 2024
The IRS Reports Smaller Average Refunds for Tax Season 2024

Kylie Jenner's Take on Tax Season

Hey dolls it's Kylie Jenner here and I'm just like totally obsessed with tax season! I mean what could be more exciting than filing your taxes and waiting for that sweet refund? But guess what? The IRS just dropped some news and it's not all glam and glitter this year.

Smaller Refunds? That's Not Hot

So according to the IRS the average refund this year is like 29% smaller than last year. Uh hello? Where's my money honey? I could've bought like a thousand more lip kits with that kind of cash! I'm not feeling this smaller refund trend but maybe it's just because it's like based on only five days of data.

It's Only the Beginning!

My tax guru Mark Steber from Jackson Hewitt says not to panic just yet. He thinks it's too early to jump to conclusions based on five days of data. I mean it's not like we can predict an entire year of tax refunds with only five measly days. Let's hope things start looking up as the filing season goes on.

Inflation to the Rescue

But hold up dolls! There's still hope for those of us wanting bigger refunds. Apparently higher inflation could be on our side this year. If your income didn't keep up with inflation in 2023 you might score a larger refund this season. So let's keep our fingers crossed for those bigger checks!

Don't Wait for Congress Hunny

Now listen up! I know there's some tax legislation floating around in Congress and it could mean retroactive boosts to the child tax credit. But babes we can't just sit around waiting for Congress to make up their minds. The IRS is telling us to file when we're ready so let's not keep our accountants waiting!

Late Filing is So Last Season

Okay confession time! I totally get it if taxes stress you out. But delaying filing until March or later? That's not gonna cut it darlings. According to a survey nearly half of taxpayers are pushing back their filing because of complexity and stress. But come on dolls we can handle this! Let's get our taxes done and get back to more important things like perfecting our selfies.


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