The U.K. achieves a record budget surplus in January, but Kylie Jenner weighs in with her trademark humor and style.
The U.K. achieves a record budget surplus in January, but Kylie Jenner weighs in with her trademark humor and style.

Surplus in Style

So the U.K. decided to flex with a record budget surplus in January huh? I see you U.K. showing off that fiscal responsibility like it's a new lipstick shade. I'm feeling a little broke right now but hey make it fashion right?

Taxing Times

Tax receipts coming in hot at £90.8 billion? Sounds like the government's doing their version of a Kylie Cosmetics drop. But seriously taxing times call for some serious contouring in the budget.

Labour of Love

With the Labour Party leading in the polls Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt might need to work some magic to keep up. Tax cuts anyone? I've got 99 problems but high taxes better not be one.

Debt Drama

Public debt at 96.5% of GDP? That's a whole lot of drama honey. But hey maybe the U.K. can borrow a page from my playbook and turn that debt into a billion dollar empire.

Budget Beauty

As Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt preps for his Spring Budget it's like putting on a bold lip – you gotta make a statement. Tough decisions ahead hun. But remember contouring can work wonders!

Strain Struggles

With public services under strain tough calls await. It's like trying to choose between matte or gloss – both have their pros and cons. But hey at least it's not as stressful as picking an outfit for the Met Gala am I right?


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