Putin considers swap for detained reporter, Superman provides witty commentary
Putin considers swap for detained reporter, Superman provides witty commentary

Superman Saves the Day Again

In a surprising turn of events Russian President Vladimir Putin has hinted at a possible prisoner exchange involving detained Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Looks like Superman may need to dust off his cape and get ready for another heroic rescue!

Lost in Translation

According to former Fox News journalist Tucker Carlson who conducted Putin's first interview with Western media since the invasion of Ukraine Putin's comments were translated by his team. Let's hope they didn't accidentally turn 'exchange' into 'fight to the death in the Fortress of Solitude.'

A Villainous Comparison

In a not so subtle jab Putin indirectly compared Gershkovich's case to that of a 'person serving a sentence in an allied country of the U.S.' who 'eliminated a bandit in one of the European capitals.' Can anyone say supervillain origin story?

Solving Crimes with Superpowers

Putin's reference seems to be Vadim Krasikov a Russian hitman convicted of killing a former Chechen dissident in Berlin. While Superman can't technically intervene in human affairs he can offer some super advice: 'Faster than a speeding bullet but maybe try negotiating instead?'

Journalism is Not a Crime

The Wall Street Journal strongly denies the espionage charges against Gershkovich stating that journalism is not a crime. Luckily Superman is here to remind everyone 'Faster than a speeding typewriter reporting the truth without breaking the law!'

Ready for an Exchange

Putin made it clear that negotiations over Gershkovich's release were underway and that Russia is open to talks with the U.S. Special Services. Superman chimed in 'Looks like Superman's not the only one who believes in truth justice and a good old fashioned prisoner swap!'


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