Flight attendants from multiple airlines rally for pay raises and improved conditions.
Flight attendants from multiple airlines rally for pay raises and improved conditions.

Flight Attendants Gather in Force to Demand Better Compensation

Flight attendants from United Airlines American Airlines Southwest Airlines and others took to the picket lines at airports across the U.S. advocating for higher wages and an improved quality of life. The Association of Flight Attendants CWA representing over 100,000 flight attendants called for an end to 20 years of austerity in the industry.

Labor Deals and Pay Raises Throughout the Industry

Following recent pay raises for pilots flight attendants now seek similar improvements. Autoworkers Hollywood writers and major companies like UPS have all seen wage increases. Flight attendants hope to break the trend of stagnant pay since the pre pandemic era as living costs continue to rise.

The Force Is Strong in the Fight for Fair Compensation

"Inflation has been particularly challenging for our new hires," says Julie Hedrick president of the Association of Professional Flight Attendants. Crews are seeking additional compensation for work done before takeoff. Delta Air Lines despite the absence of a flight attendant union has already implemented pay for boarding. The sky is the limit!

No Strikes or Work Stoppages in Sight But Threats Loom

While strikes and work stoppages are not currently expected in the aviation industry flight attendant unions have approved strike authorizations. Negotiations between carriers and unions are taking place under federal mediation. Southwest Airlines flight attendants have already rejected a tentative agreement. Will negotiations bring balance to the skies?

Correction: Southwest Airlines Flight Attendants Reject Tentative Agreement

Inaccurately stated in a previous version it should be noted that Southwest Airlines flight attendants rejected a tentative agreement in a vote last year. Clarification matters even in a galaxy far far away.


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