Bundesbank faces zero profit, massive loss provisions, and interest rate headaches!
Bundesbank faces zero profit, massive loss provisions, and interest rate headaches!

Losses in the Billions Bundesbank is Not

Much loss Bundesbank has hmm. Tens of billions of euros draw from provisions it must. A zero profit reported it has. Negative net interest income not good it is hmmm.

Interest Rate Risk Impacted they Were

Significant securities holdings exposed to risk Bundesbank has. ECB's rate hikes causing troubles they are. Need profits to offset losses Bundesbank does.

No Payments to Budget Unlikely they Are

Payments to federal budget none there are. No profit distributions to euro zone national central banks for 2023 ECB will make. Financial burdens bear Bundesbank can hmm.

Raising Interest Rates the Right Move?

"Raise interest rates curb inflation we must!" Bundesbank President Nagel said. But rate cuts only when convinced about data the ECB will be.

Economic Recovery Will it Come?

Experts expect German economy to recover it will. Foreign sales markets help it they will. Improvements in purchasing power boost private consumption shall.

Bundesbank 67 Years Old It Is!

Correction needed Bundesbank is 67 years old. An earlier version misstated its age it did.


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