Apple discontinues its electric car project, leaving Mario speechless
Apple discontinues its electric car project, leaving Mario speechless

Mario's Initial Shock

It's a me Mario! Mama mia can you believe it? Apple is a waving goodbye to their electric car dreams! I thought they were going to make the coolest cart this side of Bowser's Castle.

Apple's Unexpected Turn

I never imagined that Apple's Special Projects Group would pack up their Bob ombs and call it quits on the electric car showdown. I guess the princess will have to wait for her high tech ride.

Mario Weighs In

As I always say 'It's a not about how fast you go it's about the mushrooms you collect along the way.' Maybe Apple realized they should stick to making gadgets and leave the kart racing to me huh?

Bowser's Take

I bet Bowser is a cackling in his castle right about now thinking he got the last laugh on Apple's electric car fiasco. But hey it's all in good fun in the Mushroom Kingdom!

Mario's Final Words

So long Apple electric car project! Maybe you weren't cut out for the racing world but you'll always have a place in the Hall of Fame for trying. Keep your engines revving friends.


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