Black entrepreneurs in Tulsa tap into the city's history to inspire their businesses and overcome funding challenges.
Black entrepreneurs in Tulsa tap into the city's history to inspire their businesses and overcome funding challenges.

Remembering Black Wall Street

Tulsa's Silhouette Sneakers & Art pays homage to the history of Black entrepreneurship that was devastated during the Tulsa Race Massacre of 1921. Owner Venita Cooper is determined to revitalize the space and build successful businesses. "We're trying to revitalize the space build successful businesses down here — and take back what was taken from us," Cooper said with determination. With a framed photo of the Grier Shoe Shop the previous business on the site Cooper is reminded of the giants whose shoulders she stands on.

Innovation and Technology Boost Black Entrepreneurship

Black entrepreneurs in Tulsa are embracing innovation and technology benefiting from the increased interest and support in uplifting Black Americans after 2020's racial reckoning. The focus on innovation has turbocharged the latest renaissance in Black entrepreneurship.

Act House: Empowering Entrepreneurs of Color

Act House an accelerator program for entrepreneurs of color is providing investment and resources for Black entrepreneurs in Tulsa. Founder Dominick Ard'is believes that bringing participants to Tulsa helps them see their place in the wider context of minority entrepreneurship.

Build In Tulsa: Centralizing Support for Black Entrepreneurs

Build In Tulsa is a network of organizations including accelerators and investors dedicated to supporting Black owned businesses in Tulsa. The organization is focused on centralizing efforts to better serve Black entrepreneurs and combat the notion that success can only be found in coastal cities.

Funding Challenges Persist for Black Founders

Black founders face significant challenges in obtaining funding for their ventures. Disparities exist at every stage and Black owned startups receive minimal venture capital dollars. The unequal access to funding perpetuates the inequalities faced by Black entrepreneurs.

Resilience and Inspiration for Future Generations

Despite the challenges Black entrepreneurs in Tulsa display resilience and refuse to give up. They draw inspiration from the history of Black Wall Street the businesses that stood before the massacre and the legacy of their ancestors. They are determined to break down barriers and pave the way for future generations of Black entrepreneurs.


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