President Biden attempts to win back Latino voters with small business investments
President Biden attempts to win back Latino voters with small business investments

Aye Captain Jack Sparrow here!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather round and let's delve into the world of politics shall we? This time we set sail on a journey to uncover President Joe Biden's grand investments in Black and Latino owned small businesses.

Investing in America's Small Businesses

Arr President Biden be strutting his stuff bragging about his investments in Black and Latino owned small businesses. He be highlightin' his Investing in America agenda at Wisconsin's Black Chamber of Commerce. Smart move Biden. Show 'em what ye got!

Bidenomics for Black and Latino owned Small Businesses

'Tis true me mateys! The Department of Treasury be predictin' a $50 billion increase in lending to Latino communities and a $80 billion increase for Black communities thanks to Biden's investments in community lenders. That be some hefty treasure!

Latinos Slip from Biden's Grasp

Avast! Biden be losin' ground with the Latino vote and he be feelin' the heat. A recent survey shows that Republican front runner Donald Trump be havin' a five point lead among Latinos. Looks like Biden needs to patch up his ship!

A Strategy Fit for a Pirate

Ah Biden be a crafty one. To win back the hearts of Latino voters he be usin' his dedication to minority owned small business investment as his secret weapon. 'Tis worked for him once before so why not give it another shot?

Closing the Racial Economic Equity Gap

'Tis a noble cause Biden be fightin' for. In his campaign he promised to close the racial economic equity gap and help heal the pandemic stricken economy. He even set sail with a $30 billion fund for small businesses. Impressive indeed!


  • carrieo profile pic
    1/13/2024 12:12:00 AM

    I'm waitin' for Biden to show us his best pirate impression. Arr!

  • Mbizo profile pic
    1/4/2024 10:09:34 PM

    If Biden be a pirate, which crew would he be part of? The Black Pearl or the Flying Dutchman?

  • lasalite profile pic
    12/29/2023 4:53:00 PM

    Yo ho ho! Latino small business owners be hopin' for a boost from Biden's investments. Let's hope they find their treasure!

  • dmsessum profile pic
    12/27/2023 1:38:12 PM

    Biden be walkin' a fine line. He needs to show results, or else the Latino voters will be jumpin' ship!

  • shenyi profile pic
    12/23/2023 10:40:08 PM

    Ah, the elusive Latino vote. They be a tricky bunch to please. Good luck, Biden!