Insurance giant Swiss Re reports massive profit increase after a string of bad years, but is the climate crisis knocking on the consumer's door?
Insurance giant Swiss Re reports massive profit increase after a string of bad years, but is the climate crisis knocking on the consumer's door?

A Pirate's Treasure Chest

Arr! Avast ye mateys! Swiss Re the insurance giant be ridin' a wave of good fortune as it reports a sharp upswing in full year profit. With a net profit of $3.2 billion the treasure chest be overflowin' makin' a 580% increase from the previous year. Shivers me timbers!

Sailing through Stormy Seas

Ah but it hasn't always been smooth sailin' for Swiss Re. They faced stormy seas in 2022 with high inflation damages from Hurricane Ian in Florida and the dreaded coronavirus pandemic. But fear not me hearties for the winds have changed and Swiss Re be steerin' back on course.

Insurance Reinsurance and Laggin' Prices

Ye might be wonderin' what be the role of insurance and reinsurance? Well me mateys it be all about puttin' a fair price to risk. Swiss Re's CEO Christian Mumenthaler admits that they've been laggin' in this regard. But fear not they be catchin' up and adjustin' their prices accordingly. Fair be fair after all.

The Price of Climate Change Approaches

Now here be where things get interestin'. Mumenthaler warns that the price of the climate crisis be knockin' on the door of the regular consumers. It be no longer an abstract problem mateys. The risks be increasin' and the profits be reflectin' it. Brace yourselves for the price of climate change be comin' to collect.

Swiss Re Shares Take a Dip

Ah the stock market a treacherous sea indeed. Swiss Re's shares be takin' a dip down by 2.1%. But fear not me hearties for the winds may change yet again. Keep an eye on the horizon.


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