Lawyers argue that without immunity, the Presidency as we know it will cease to exist
Lawyers argue that without immunity, the Presidency as we know it will cease to exist

Lawyers Desperate to Protect Trump's Immunity

In a bold move lawyers for former President Donald Trump have appealed to the Supreme Court to temporarily halt a ruling that rejected his claim of immunity from criminal charges related to his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election. They argue that without immunity the very essence of the Presidency will crumble into nothingness. Quite the end game indeed!

Unanimous Rejection of Trump's Argument

The ruling by a three judge panel in the federal appeals court in Washington D.C. last Tuesday left no room for doubt. They unanimously denied Trump's claim that he cannot be prosecuted for any official acts he performed as president. It seems like Trump's immunity claims are about as strong as his hairline game.

The Clock is Ticking

While the panel delayed the effect of their ruling until Monday giving Trump's lawyers time to take their appeal to the Supreme Court the clock is ticking for the former president. Will he be able to halt the case and evade justice? Or will he face the consequences of his actions like the rest of us mere mortals? The suspense is killing me!

Novel Complex and Momentous? Or Just Desperate?

Trump's lawyers argue that his claim of immunity presents a 'novel complex and momentous question' that deserves careful consideration on appeal. I must say they have quite the way with words. But let's be honest there's nothing novel or complex about trying to evade accountability. It's the oldest trick in the book!

The First Amendment Card

Ah the good ol' First Amendment. Trump's lawyers are playing the 'immediate irreparable injury to First Amendment interests' card claiming that a trial will disrupt his ability to campaign against President Joe Biden. As if Trump needs any more excuses for his campaign woes. Maybe he should just blame it on lag or the broken loot system!

Trump's Delay Tactics

It's no secret that Trump has been using every trick in the book to delay his multiple criminal and civil cases. After all who has time for legal proceedings when you're busy running for president? But will his delaying tactics be enough? Or will justice catch up to him like a pesky murloc?


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