Startup Varda finally gets FAA approval to bring back its W-1 capsule
Startup Varda finally gets FAA approval to bring back its W-1 capsule

Varda's Wacky Space Adventure

In a turn of events that can only be described as out of this world space startup Varda has finally received approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to bring back its W Series 1 capsule affectionately known as W 1 after its mission of manufacturing drugs in space. It's like they took a page out of my book 'Space Adventures and the Art of Pharmaceutical Production.'

Orbiting for Eight Months

The W 1 capsule has been stuck in orbit for a whopping eight months patiently waiting for regulatory authorization to attempt a landing. I can't believe they had to wait that long. I mean you'd think the FAA would jump at the opportunity to witness Varda's incredible in space manufacturing process. But hey better late than never right?

Touching Down in Utah

Now here's the plan: Varda will be attempting to land the W 1 mission on February 21 in none other than Utah. Not just any random spot in Utah mind you. They're going for the Air Force's Utah Test and Training Range. Because where else would you test the safe innovation of bringing back a tiny spacecraft from outer space?

Proud Partnership

According to Varda they are incredibly proud to have this opportunity with their government partners. I can just imagine the conversation now: Government Official: "Hey Varda you wanna bring your spacecraft back to Earth?" Varda: "Sure thing!" Government Official: "Alright then as long as you're dedicated to safe innovation in the United States." Varda: "Absolutely! We'll even throw in some space made drugs as a bonus."

Manufacturing in Space: The Next Frontier

While manufacturing in space may not be a new concept Varda is taking it to the next level. They want to launch and return space made products more quickly. And why not? I've always said if you're going to manufacture something you might as well do it in a weightless environment. Those fiber optic cables pharmaceuticals and semiconductors will be out of this world quite literally.

Varda's Space Manufacturing System

Varda's system is quite ingenious. They're using Rocket Lab's Photon spacecraft as the backbone of their operation. I'm telling you Rocket Lab is like the MVP of the space industry. But Varda doesn't stop there. They've added their own manufacturing module and a heatshield protected capsule to survive the intense reentry process through the Earth's atmosphere. Talk about playing it safe.


  • haoValentine profile pic
    2/16/2024 2:16:13 PM

    Varda's dedication to safe innovation is truly commendable. I mean, who needs safety when you've got rockets and space capsules, right?