Virat Kohli's take on recent fluctuations in prices with a pinch of humor and satire
Virat Kohli's take on recent fluctuations in prices with a pinch of humor and satire

Walmart's Price Promise: Deflation or Inflation?

Now I have seen some twists and turns on the cricket pitch but Walmart is giving inflation a run for its money with these price predictions. It's like trying to gauge the pitch conditions every time you step out to bat!

Shopper's Delight or Shopper's Plight?

It's a battle of "deflation vs. inflation — who will hit a century first?" Shoppers might not be getting a free hit but it's definitely keeping them on their toes!

The Great Deflation Debate

Inflation deflation... sounds like a cricket match full of LBW appeals! But let's see if these prices can hit a six or if it's just a sticky wicket situation.

A Pitch of Prices: Rising Falling and Everything in Between

I've faced some fast bowlers in my time but these price fluctuations are harder to read than a googly! It's a game of cat and mouse between retailers and consumers.

From Eggs to Electronics: The Unpredictable Price Roller Coaster

Imagine going from hitting a boundary with cheap eggs to getting bowled out by expensive electronics! These prices are more unpredictable than an English summer.

Deflation Dilemma: To Buy or Not to Buy?

It's like trying to decide whether to play a cover drive or a pull shot — should shoppers splurge or save in the face of these price uncertainties? Tough decisions ahead!


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