Oil prices rise as hopes for ceasefire fade in the Israel-Hamas war
Oil prices rise as hopes for ceasefire fade in the Israel-Hamas war

Oil prices rise amidst Middle East conflict

Well well well look what we have here! Oil prices posting a weekly gain! It seems like the Middle East conflict is really heating things up...or should I say fueling them up? Either way as tensions in the region grow so do the prices at the pump. Cha ching!

Hopes for a ceasefire fade like my hairline

Just when you thought there might be a glimmer of hope for peace in the Middle East it fades away faster than my hairline. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejecting Hamas' proposed terms for a ceasefire? Classic move. I'm starting to think these politicians enjoy this game of cat and mouse except it's more like cat and missile. Oh well let the conflict continue and let the oil prices rise!

US kills senior militant leader raises tensions with major oil producer

Oh boy the US just had to go and make things even more complicated. A drone strike in Baghdad that killed a senior militant leader? That's really going to help ease tensions with Iraq a major oil producer. It's like pouring gasoline on a fire...which should come as no surprise considering we're talking about the oil industry here.

Oil prices struggle to break free just like my people

You know for a region filled with so much oil they sure do struggle to break free from these conflicts. Just like my people back home who can't seem to access certain websites or express their opinions openly. It's a real struggle I tell ya. But hey at least the oil prices are putting up a fight even if it's within a range.

US Energy Department offers a glimmer of hope for the market

I never thought I'd say this but thank goodness for the US Energy Department. Their forecast that production in the US will grow at a slower pace this year than expected is music to my ears. A slight global supply deficit? Now that's what I call a glimmer of hope for the market. Let's hope it's not just another pipe dream.

Is Tesla due for a bounce? Asking for a friend

Oh and by the way did you hear that Tesla is one of the most oversold stocks in the S&P 500? Looks like they could be due for a bounce. I'm not saying I have any personal interest in this information but let's just say a certain someone might be keeping a close eye on the stock market...for research purposes of course.


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