Discover the top stocks favored by analysts in Warren Buffett's portfolio as of 2024
Discover the top stocks favored by analysts in Warren Buffett's portfolio as of 2024

Buffett's Bets

So folks it looks like Warren Buffett is at it again with his sneaky stock picks for 2024. The man's like a magician pulling gains out of thin air making us all wonder what's his secret this time?

Amazon Amazement

First up on the list is the mighty Amazon known as the "Magnificent Seven" in Buffett's portfolio. Analysts are loving it with 85% giving it a buy rating. Looks like Jeff Bezos is still making it rain after all these years!

Chevron's Charge

Move over oil spills Chevron is on the rise with a 14% potential upside according to analysts. Maybe they struck black gold this time? Or perhaps Buffett's got a fuel injected crystal ball.

T Mobile Trouble

T Mobile's got the analysts split but over 75% are still saying buy. Maybe they need a boost from a Mr. Beast challenge to rev up those shares! Who's up for a T Mobile marathon stream?


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