Rivian and Lucid take a nosedive in the stock market after disappointing earnings and production updates.
Rivian and Lucid take a nosedive in the stock market after disappointing earnings and production updates.

Rivian and Lucid Hit Speed Bumps

Well well well it looks like Rivian and Lucid are having a bit of a bumpy ride in the stock market. Rivian's shares nosedive by 25% and Lucid's stock sinks almost 17% after reporting less than stellar earnings. Looks like they hit a speed bump on the road to success.

Thunder in Forecast But Where's the Lightning?

Rivian and Lucid are predicting the future like modern day Nostradamus but with less accuracy. Rivian forecasts 57,000 vehicles in 2024 just under last year's production numbers while Lucid hopes for 9,000 cars in 2024—a modest increase from 2023. Thunder roars but where's the lightning in sales?

Tesla's Electric Reign Continues

Rivian and Lucid may be feeling the shock from Tesla's electric reign. With Tesla holding 55% of the market share Rivian's 4% and Lucid's mere 0.5% look like tiny sparks in comparison. Looks like Tesla is the undeniable king of the electric jungle.

Nikola: From Highs to Lows

Electric truck maker Nikola is also playing the rollercoaster game. With worse than expected revenue and a slightly better than expected loss Nikola's stock is trading flat—not exactly the high flying journey they had hoped for since hitting an all time high in 2020. Oof the highs and lows of the stock market!


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