Goldman Sachs CEO awarded $31 million despite profit decline
Goldman Sachs CEO awarded $31 million despite profit decline

Rubber Man Doesn't Understand Big Numbers

"$31 million? That's a lot of meat! But hey who am I to judge? I once ate a whole buffet. And I mean the entire buffet."

Solomon Strikes Gold(man Sachs)

David Solomon the CEO of Goldman Sachs just got himself a shiny $31 million in compensation for 2023. That's a 24% increase from last year! Looks like someone hit the jackpot and it wasn't even a Devil Fruit power this time!

A Base Salary as Solid as the Grand Line

Solomon's base salary remains untouched at $2 million. I guess even in the ruthless world of finance some things don't change. Just like my love for meat and adventure!

Cash Stocks and a Pirate's Booty

The CEO's bonus package includes $8.7 million in cold hard cash and $20.3 million in performance linked stock. Talk about making it rain! I wonder if I can trade some of those stocks for a lifetime supply of meat. That would be a pirate's dream!

Profits Walk the Plank But Pay Sets Sail

Despite a 24% drop in profit to $8.52 billion the Compensation Committee claims that senior management's actions were vital to the bank's future success. So a decline in profits means more money for the top dog? I should try that with my crew. 'Hey guys we lost all our treasure but guess what? I'm giving myself a raise!'

Wall Street Watch: Dimon and Gorman Feel the Money Flow

Just to put things in perspective Jamie Dimon's compensation at JPMorgan Chase went up by a measly 4.3%. And James Gorman the former CEO of Morgan Stanley got blessed with a 17% increase. Looks like they're just trying to keep up with the Straw Hat Crew's growth!


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