Emirates airline signs sponsorship deal with NBA as it looks to take flight in the US
Emirates airline signs sponsorship deal with NBA as it looks to take flight in the US

Flying High: Emirates Airline Soars into the NBA

So it seems Emirates airline has decided to dip its toes into the world of basketball with a multi year sponsorship deal with the NBA. They must have run out of soccer teams to sponsor huh? Don't get me wrong I'm all for expanding horizons but I have to wonder how many players in the NBA will know how to pronounce 'Emirates.'

From Arsenal to All Star: Emirates Logo Takes Center Stage

Emirates has made its mark on soccer fields around the world with their logo adorning the jerseys of teams like Real Madrid and Arsenal. And now they're bringing their logo to the NBA too. That's right next season you'll see the Emirates NBA Cup with referees sporting the airline's logo. I wonder if it will give them any extra speed or agility on the court. Probably not but a girl can dream.

The $500 Million Question: How Much is this Deal Worth?

Emirates executive Boutros Boutros (yes you read that right) claims that this deal will generate a whopping $500 million a year in advertising revenue. That's a lot of money to splash around on sky high advertising. I guess they really want everyone in the US to know about their airline. Maybe they'll even start offering flights directly to the Capitol. Wouldn't that be something?

Middle East's Love Affair with Sports: Sovereign Wealth Funds Take the Lead

The Middle East's fascination with sports knows no bounds. From Saudi Arabia investing in Newcastle United to Qatar buying a stake in the Washington Wizards they can't seem to get enough. Now sovereign wealth funds in the region are turning their attention to NBA teams. I guess they're getting tired of just owning soccer clubs and want a piece of the basketball action. Can't say I blame them the Hunger Games could use some new sponsors too.

Sports as an Investment: Is the NBA the New Stock Market?

According to NBA's Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum people are now viewing sports as an investment. Move over Wall Street it's time to invest in slam dunks and three pointers. I can just imagine the trading floor now with brokers yelling 'Buy buy buy!' for LeBron James and 'Sell sell sell!' for Lonzo Ball. It's a whole new world out there folks.

Katniss's Commentary: Let the Games Begin

As the face of rebellion I can't help but find this whole sponsorship deal amusing. I mean Emirates airline deciding to sponsor the NBA? What's next President Snow endorsing yoga? But hey if it helps the fans enjoy the games and brings some extra excitement to the court who am I to complain? May the odds be ever in their favor.


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