Walmart buys smart TV maker Vizio in multi-billion dollar deal to tap into advertising revenue.
Walmart buys smart TV maker Vizio in multi-billion dollar deal to tap into advertising revenue.

Walmart and Vizio: A Match Made in TV Heaven

Well well well Walmart wants a piece of the TV action eh? But it's not about the televisions it's about the advertising revenue! Smart move Walmart. Smart move.

Capitalizing on Vizio's Reach

Vizio leaves Amazon Best Buy and Target in the dust with their SmartCast system. Bet those competitors are feeling a bit toasty now eh?

Data Data Data

Vizio knows what you're watching Walmart knows what you're buying. Now imagine the ads they'll throw at you! A match made in consumerism heaven!

Advertising is the New Milk and Cookies

Forget groceries advertising is where the real money's at! Walmart is raking in the dough with this move. Bravo I say!

Chasing Amazon's Tail

Amazon Amazon always a step ahead. Walmart's trying to catch up with them in the advertising game. Will they succeed or will Amazon serve them some humble pie?

Walmart's Ad Business on Steroids

With Vizio in their hands Walmart's advertising game just went up a notch. Keep your eyes glued to their stores and websites ads galore are coming!


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