Billionaire entrepreneur Bill Gates humorously comments on the U.K.'s latest public finance figures
Billionaire entrepreneur Bill Gates humorously comments on the U.K.'s latest public finance figures

The U.K.'s Cash Cow

Well well well looks like the United Kingdom is swimming in a sea of cash with that record breaking £16.7 billion budget surplus in January. Talk about making it rain!

Taxman Cometh but Not as Much

Even with £33 billion in self assessed income and capital gains tax receipts it seems the U.K. was a bit shy of the full amount. The taxman may knock twice but he doesn't always bring the full bill.

Fiscal Tightrope in the Brexit Fog

Ah fiscal policy in the face of Brexit and various world events. Finance Minister Jeremy Hunt must feel like he's walking a tightrope over a sea of uncertainty. Good thing he's not afraid of heights!

Labour's Leading... For Now

Seems like the Labour Party is leading in the polls but will Hunt be able to find the headroom for tax cuts before the looming general election? It's a race against time folks!

Budget Balancing Act

Juggling tax cuts public services and a falling debt path sounds like quite the balancing act for the Chancellor. Maybe he needs to borrow a page from my book on multitasking.

Navigating the Fiscal Storm

With growth inflation and public services all in the mix it's no wonder the Chancellor's upcoming Budget won't be a walk in the park. But hey sometimes you've got to weather the storm to see the rainbow!


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