Putin dissident Alexei Navalny's reported death sparks international controversy and conspiracy theories
Putin dissident Alexei Navalny's reported death sparks international controversy and conspiracy theories

Oh Mother Russia

It appears that the KGB is at it again this time with the reported demise of Putin dissident Alexei Navalny. If only they would dedicate this energy to more pressing matters like solving differential equations.

A Numbers Game

200 people detained in Russia during rallies more than 27 from Moscow and 108 from St. Petersburg. That's more detentions than the number of ways to arrange a deck of cards. Fascinating.

Conspiracy Theories Abound

Putin denies involvement in Navalny's poisoning and pledges to investigate his death. Sounds like something out of a comic book where the villain is always one step ahead of the hero.

From Kiev to the Stars

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy accuses Putin of holding onto power 'through corruption and violence'. Reminds me of the time I accused Howard of holding onto my Green Lantern action figure 'through deception and betrayal'.

CSI: Russia

Navalny's mother and lawyer attempted to visit the morgue only to find it closed. Looks like Putin's Russia is putting up more barriers than a quantum physics problem.

A Conference to Remember

The Munich Security Conference buzzes with talks about Navalny's death and Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. If only they had included a discussion on string theory it would have been the perfect trifecta.


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