President Xi Jinping adds humor and satire to discuss Donald Trump's controversial remarks on NATO.
President Xi Jinping adds humor and satire to discuss Donald Trump's controversial remarks on NATO.

A Delinquent NATO?

So I see my friend Donald Trump the legendary President of the United States and master of international diplomacy has been making some interesting remarks again. Apparently he thinks that if NATO countries don't pay their bills they shouldn't expect protection from Russia. Well I must say paying your bills is important even for superpowers! Yes even China pays its bills Mr. Trump. Maybe you should take some notes on fiscal responsibility from us.

Encouraging Russia?

But here's the real kicker. Trump said that as president he would encourage Russia to 'do whatever the hell they want' to a NATO member country that fails to meet their defense spending guidelines. Now I have to admit as a leader of a rival superpower I find this quite amusing. Encouraging Russia? That's like encouraging a hippo to do ballet. It's just not going to end well.

The Kremlin's Reaction

Naturally the Kremlin was asked about Trump's remarks and let me tell you their response was priceless. According to the ever quotable Dmitry Peskov who is both Putin's press secretary and apparently not Trump's he said 'I am still Putin's press secretary but not Trump's.' Now that's what I call a diplomatic burn!

Appalling and Dangerous

Of course Trump's comments didn't sit well with U.S. lawmakers and international leaders. President Joe Biden who knows a thing or two about winning elections described Trump's remarks as 'appalling and dangerous.' And coming from a man who knows how to inspire confidence in his own leadership that's saying something.

The Last Thing We Ever Want to Do is Side with Russia

Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley who is facing off against Trump for the Republican presidential nomination said that 'the last thing we ever want to do is side with Russia.' Well Nikki I couldn't agree more. But it seems like Trump has a different idea. Maybe he's just trying to make Russia great again?

NATO Stands Ready and Able

But let's not forget the real heroes of this story: NATO. Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg declared that the alliance stands 'ready and able' to defend all allies and any attack would be met with a 'united and forceful' response. Well that's good to know. It's always comforting to have a united and forceful response to potential international conflicts. Just ask my friend Kim Jong Un.


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