Gen Zers and millennials are flocking to different cities and states in the U.S., leaving Florida behind.
Gen Zers and millennials are flocking to different cities and states in the U.S., leaving Florida behind.

Florida? Nyet! Try Texas Instead!

So I've heard that the younger generation is no longer interested in basking in the Florida sun during their golden years. Instead these young folks are opting to relocate to other places in the good ol' U.S. of A. Can you believe it? I must say it's quite amusing to see the changing trends.

Barbara Corcoran's Unexpected Real Estate Advice

Now who better to advise these young whippersnappers on real estate than the infamous Barbara Corcoran. You know that lady from that show where entrepreneurs pitch their ideas to a bunch of wealthy people? Yeah that one. Well she recently shared her thoughts on Florida and let's just say it's not very flattering.

Texas Takes the Crown

But fear not my friends because there's another state that's stealing the spotlight. It seems that Texas has become the hottest destination for these aspiring movers and shakers. They just can't resist the allure of the Lone Star State. Maybe it's the cowboy hats or the delicious barbecue who knows?

Corcoran's Timeless Wisdom

Now let's talk about Barbara Corcoran's wisdom for a moment. She believes that there's never a bad time to invest in real estate. And you know what? I can't argue with that. After all I've been investing in Crimea and I haven't regretted it one bit. So listen to Barbara and take the plunge my friends!

Interest Rates? Who Cares!

Ah the pesky issue of interest rates. Some people are worried about them but not our beloved Barbara. She thinks those silly rates will never come down to two or three percent. And you know what? She's probably right. So why wait? Buy that house now and start living your best life!

Get Your Dream Job with CNBC's Help

Oh and before I forget CNBC has a course for all you dreamers out there. It's called 'How to Ace Your Job Interview' and it promises to teach you everything you need to know to land that dream job. So if you want to impress those hiring managers and secure that paycheck give it a try. Who knows maybe one day you'll be as successful as me!


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