Scientists warn that the world has hit a key warming threshold, but Kim Kardashian brings her signature humor and wit to the table.
Scientists warn that the world has hit a key warming threshold, but Kim Kardashian brings her signature humor and wit to the table.

Record Breaking Heat: Not Just My Coffee but Also the Planet!

So apparently the world is on fire! And not just in terms of my fierce fashion sense. Scientists have confirmed that we have surpassed a key warming threshold making it the hottest year on record. Move over Paris Hilton because the heat is on!

Hotter than My Contour: The Numbers Don't Lie

According to the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service the global mean temperature for the past 12 months was a scorching 1.52 degrees Celsius above the pre industrial average. That's like having a fever while trying to take a sexy selfie. And it's 0.64 degrees Celsius higher than the average from 1991 to 2020. Talk about raising the temperature!

No 'Break' for the Paris Agreement: Let's Keep It Cool People

Now before you start panicking this doesn't mean we broke the Paris Agreement. You know that thing that aims to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius? Yeah we're not there yet but we're dangerously close. So let's all put on our ice packs and start reducing greenhouse gas emissions ASAP!

2024: The Year of Heat Waves and Hot Messes

Hold on to your shapewear because January 2024 just claimed the title of the warmest January on record with an average surface temperature of 13.14 degrees Celsius. That's hotter than my sauna sessions! And let's not forget the seven months leading up to January also smashed heat records. It's like the Earth is competing with my Instagram for the hottest content!

Tipping Points: More Than Just a Balancing Act

Okay okay enough with the numbers. Let's talk about tipping points. No not the ones in my six inch heels. These tipping points are where things start to get really messy. They're like when you accidentally post a cryptic tweet and all hell breaks loose. Once we pass the 1.5 degrees Celsius mark these tipping points become more likely. And trust me we don't want to see what happens when the Earth has a meltdown.

The World is Hot and We're Off Track: It's Time to Keep Up

The UN is not happy with us you guys. We're massively off track to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. That's like missing a contouring session and ending up looking like a hot mess. We've already warmed the planet by around 1.1 degrees Celsius causing extreme weather events left and right. It's time to channel our inner Kardashian and start making some rapid reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Staying cool is the new trend folks!


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