Scorpion's Take on Inflation and Economic Data
Scorpion's Take on Inflation and Economic Data

Get Over Here Inflation!

So it looks like inflation has risen more than expected in January. The consumer price index increased by 0.3% which is nothing compared to the fire breathing fatalities I'm capable of. But hey at least it's down from December. We don't want things getting too hot right?

Shelter Prices Join the Fight

Ah shelter prices always causing trouble. They accounted for much of the rise in inflation climbing a whopping 0.6% in January. That's like one of my signature spear moves but with dollar signs instead of victims. On a 12 month basis shelter prices rose 6%. Looks like finding a cozy hideout is getting more expensive than Sub Zero's freezing abilities.

Food and Energy Join the Battle

It's not just shelter prices that are on the rise. Food prices moved higher by 0.4% in January. Guess even Raiden can't protect us from the cost of groceries. Meanwhile energy prices helped offset some of the increase with a 0.9% decline. I guess Shao Kahn isn't too happy about that considering he thrives on chaos and destruction.

Futures Fall Treasury Yields Rise

When the release came out stock market futures fell sharply with Dow Jones futures off more than 250 points. It's like Fatality for investors. Meanwhile Treasury yields surged higher probably trying to escape my spear kunai. Maybe they're realizing that the fight against inflation won't be an easy one.

The Fed's Dilemma

The Federal Reserve officials must be scratching their heads over this inflation data. They were hoping for rates to ease and were looking to take their foot off the brake for monetary policy. Looks like they'll have to wait for more data before initiating a rate cutting cycle. Don't worry Fed I'll lend you my kunai for a quick escape if things get too heated.

Mixed Bag of Inflation

Apart from shelter costs the rest of the inflation picture is a mixed bag. Used vehicle prices declined apparel costs fell and medical commodities experienced a decline. It's like fighting a unpredictable opponent. On the other hand electricity costs rose and airline fares increased. Looks like even economy class tickets are feeling the Scorpion sting.


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