Scorpion's take on the potential threat of space-based nuclear weapons and their impact on global satellite systems
Scorpion's take on the potential threat of space-based nuclear weapons and their impact on global satellite systems

Putin Denies and Points Fingers

Vladimir Putin is denying the space nuke claims faster than you can say 'Get over here!' Accusing others of scaring lawmakers? Classic deflecting maneuver Putin.

Space Nukes vs. Satellites: An Epic Showdown

Space nukes the 'Fatality' move for satellites? The ultimate test of strength between nations or just floating missiles waiting to strike? Only time will tell in this cosmic combat.

Space the New Combat Zone

Space isn't just for stargazing anymore it's the next military frontier. I'm starting to feel left out of this space battle. Where's my invitation?

Bingen Drops Knowledge Bombs

Kari Bingen hitting the nail on the head! 'It's an indiscriminate weapon.' Well Kari just like my spear tipped chain it seems these space nukes could strike from all directions.

NATO Readies Defense Scorpion Approves

NATO is all set to defend against any space based mishaps. Better look alive folks. And remember in space no one can hear you scream 'Get over here!'

The Final Strike: Weapon of Last Resort

Will Russia go for the final blow with these space nukes? As they say 'Finish him!' but in this case it might be 'Finish them all!' Let's hope it never comes to that.


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