Web security provider exceeds analyst estimates in latest quarterly results
Web security provider exceeds analyst estimates in latest quarterly results

Cloudflare Beats Analyst Expectations

Hey dudes! Cloudflare just knocked it out of the park with their latest earnings report. They beat the expectations of those fancy analyst types and their calculators. Earnings per share came in at a whopping 15 cents adjusted while those snooty analysts only predicted 12 cents. Looks like Cloudflare has some serious game!

Revenue Rises to New Heights

What's that sound? Oh it's the sound of Cloudflare's revenue soaring through the clouds! They brought in a cool $362.5 million which is way more than the $353.1 million that those number crunching analysts thought they would make. Cloudflare is making it rain baby!

Net Loss Narrows High Fives All Around

Cloudflare's net loss shrunk like Bart's brain when he's studying for a test. From $45.9 million down to $27.9 million or 8 cents per share. That's progress people! Cloudflare is getting closer to that sweet sweet profit. Time to break out the high fives and celebratory donuts!

Largest Customer Deal Ever? That's Dope!

"Ay caramba!" Cloudflare scored their biggest new customer deal and largest renewal ever. They must be doing something right! This deal is so massive it's like Homer's appetite for donuts—unstoppable! And it's resulted in Cloudflare having the highest annual contract value in corporate history. Now that's a win my friends!

Cloudflare Goes AI Crazy

Cloudflare is getting all futuristic on us. They're planning to supply software developers with some slick graphics processing units (GPUs) for their artificial intelligence needs. They've already installed these bad boys in 120 cities beating their own target of 100. By 2024 they want GPUs in nearly every city and within milliseconds of every device connected to the Internet. It's like they're creating their own Springfield of GPUs!

New President Alert: Mark Anderson Joins the Party

Cloudflare is shaking up their leadership game. Mark Anderson who used to be the CEO of Alteryx is joining the team as president. He's replacing Marc Boroditsky who's probably off eating donuts or something. Get ready for some fresh ideas and a whole lot of new energy at Cloudflare!


  • Kolie518 profile pic
    2/26/2024 3:40:47 AM

    Alteryx, Cloudflare, what's next? Krusty the Clown running a tech company?