Waymo voluntarily recalls software after robotaxi collisions
Waymo voluntarily recalls software after robotaxi collisions

A Bumpy Ride for Waymo

In a surprising turn of events Waymo Alphabet's self driving vehicle unit has issued a voluntary recall for software used in their driverless cars. It seems like even the most advanced technology can hit a few speed bumps along the way.

Collisions and Consequences

The recall comes after two robotaxis crashed into the same towed pickup truck within minutes of each other in Phoenix. Luckily no passengers were in the vehicles and only minor damage occurred. It's a good thing it wasn't a "fashion emergency."

Safety First But Who's Responsible?

Waymo made the decision to recall the software after consulting with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. It seems like they're taking accountability for their mishaps unlike some people we know. *cough* Big *cough*

Outshining the Competition

While other self driving companies like Cruise and Tesla have faced public criticism and setbacks with their technology Waymo has managed to stay relatively unscathed. It's like they have a secret fashion accessory that makes them look flawless!

The Road to Full Autonomy

Waymo boasts an impressive track record with 10 million fully autonomous miles driven and over one million ride hail trips served. They're definitely the Carrie Bradshaw of the self driving world paving the way for a stylish and automated future.

Trouble in Paradise

However recent incidents have challenged Waymo's reputation. A cyclist was injured in a collision with a driverless Waymo car in San Francisco and another vehicle was set ablaze during Lunar New Year celebrations. Someone definitely needs a timeout from their Manolos.


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