Temu, the Chinese e-commerce app, is set to dominate the Super Bowl with a second ad and millions in giveaways
Temu, the Chinese e-commerce app, is set to dominate the Super Bowl with a second ad and millions in giveaways

Temu Makes Bold Move with Super Bowl Ad

Well well well look who's making waves at the Super Bowl this year – none other than Temu the Chinese e commerce app. That's right they're planning to grab their second ad spot at the big game joining the elite ranks of companies willing to dish out millions of dollars for the privilege. Talk about confidence!

Giving Away Millions in Coupons and Credits

But wait there's more! Temu isn't just splurging on a commercial – they're also gifting a cool $5 million in coupons and credits. Talk about spreading the love. And on game day they've got an extra $10 million worth of giveaways up their sleeve. Not bad Temu not bad at all.

Survey Results: A Love Hate Relationship with the Ad

Last year's Temu ad seemed to have hit a nerve with viewers. In a survey conducted by market research firm Zappi 51% of respondents said they 'loved' the ad. That's a score of eight or more on a 10 point scale if you were wondering. But here's the kicker – 21% actually 'hated' it. Ouch that stings. Guess you can't please everyone huh?

Temu is Spending Big to Woo Users

Temu is going all in when it comes to marketing. Their ad spend on platforms like Facebook and Instagram skyrocketed in the fourth quarter of 2023 and it's paying off big time. According to Sensor Tower Temu was the most downloaded app in the U.S. last year. 51 million monthly active users? Not too shabby. But can they keep 'em?

Retaining Users and Taking on Amazon

Retaining users and beating Amazon at its own game – that's the name of the game for Temu. Morgan Stanley warns that Temu's U.S. share gains in 2024 might be 'modest,' and growth will depend on getting a higher share of its existing shoppers' wallets. Looks like the battle for e commerce dominance is heating up!


  • webwk profile pic
    2/9/2024 12:47:30 PM

    Temu is taking over the e-commerce world, one giveaway at a time.