Closely watched revisions show slower pace of price increase
Closely watched revisions show slower pace of price increase

Red Pill Alert: Inflation Slows Down Neo!

According to recent revisions by the government it turns out that the prices consumers pay in the marketplace rose at an even slower pace than originally reported. Who would've thought? It seems that the Matrix of inflation is losing its grip on us.

Morpheus's Market Analysis: A Little Less a Little More

The Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the broad basket of goods and services only increased by 0.2% on the month instead of the previously thought 0.3%. It may not seem like a big difference but hey every penny counts in this artificially constructed reality we call the economy.

Leeway for the Federal Reserve or Just Another Illusion?

With this confirmation of inflation moderating as we bid farewell to 2023 the Federal Reserve now has more room to wiggle around and start cutting interest rates later this year. Ah the power of manipulation! But hey who am I to judge?


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