NatWest's Chief Executive Confirmed and Profit Soars, But Controversies Loom
NatWest's Chief Executive Confirmed and Profit Soars, But Controversies Loom

Permanent CEO and Impressive Profit

Well well well it seems like NatWest has finally found its permanent chief executive! Paul Thwaite congratulations on landing the job though I hope it wasn't cursed like the Defense Against the Dark Arts position at Hogwarts. The bank also reported a profit of 6.2 billion pounds a stellar 20% increase from the previous year. Looks like they've been brewing some Felix Felicis!

Dividends and Buybacks

Not only did NatWest rake in the Galleons but they also announced a final dividend of 11.5 pence per share. Bet the shareholders are overjoyed feeling like they've just discovered a hidden vault at Gringotts. Oh and let's not forget about the share buyback of 300 million pounds. It's like they're using the Accio spell to bring back some of their own treasure.

Scandal Strikes and Resignations

Unfortunately it's not all sunshine and Butterbeer at NatWest. Last year they had a little tiff with Nigel Farage who accused them of closing his accounts. Talk about a case of Petrificus Totalus. This scandal didn't just result in the departure of CEO Alison Rose but also wealth boss Peter Flavel. Looks like they were hit with a couple of Stinging Hexes.

Government Ownership and Retail Sale

Let's talk about ownership shall we? NatWest is still 35% stuck in the hands of the taxpayers after that hefty bailout during the financial crisis. But fear not dear readers for they have plans to sell off some of that government owned stock in a retail sale. It's like they're organizing a Ministry of Magic approved clearance event at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.

Marginal Troubles and Loan Risks

While the profit may be soaring it seems like NatWest is facing some challenges. With fiercer competition and cash strapped borrowers their margins are taking a hit. I guess even Madam Pince at Hogwarts couldn't keep these books balanced. They're also setting aside quite a sum for potential bad loans hoping to avoid a Gilderoy Lockhart style memory charm.


All in all it's been quite a rollercoaster ride for NatWest. They've got a new CEO impressive profits scandalous controversies government ownership margin pressure and loan risks. It's like they've combined all the elements of a thrilling Quidditch match. Let's see how they navigate through this magical maze in the financial world.


  • aikido profile pic
    2/25/2024 1:50:58 PM

    NatWest's profit is like a perfectly brewed potion. Impressive!