Wharton Professor Not Concerned about Valuation, Bobby Axelrod is Concerned about a Helipad
Wharton Professor Not Concerned about Valuation, Bobby Axelrod is Concerned about a Helipad

Volatility Shmolatility

So the market has reached a mind blowing milestone the S&P 500 crossed the 5,000 point mark. Can you believe it? And while some might be screaming about a potential bubble or overvaluation Wharton professor Jeremy Siegel is here to tell you to calm down. According to him it's all just volatility in the long run. But Jeremy my friend let me ask you this can I land my helicopter on the S&P 500 to celebrate?

Playing the Long Game

Professor Siegel insists that we shouldn't be playing the short run trading game. He believes that the market is not overvalued for long term investors like me. That's great and all but I've got a new question for him can the market buy me a helipad?

Strong Fundamentals? What About My Helipad?

Siegel is touting strong company fundamentals as evidence that equities are trading near their fair valuation. Well that's just peachy. But here's the real question how do strong fundamentals help me get my helipad on top of a skyscraper?

Doubters Schmoubters

Siegel also took the opportunity to crow about all the doubters who thought the market would crash. He's right they've fallen by the wayside as the market continues its climb. But let me tell you doubters or not I still want that helipad. It's not about doubting it's about landing in style.

The Close Call

The S&P 500 flirted with the 5,000 point milestone all day teetering on the edge before finally reaching it 5,000.40. Talk about a close call. But just as my dreams of a helipad were within reach the index ended the day little changed at 4,997.91. Maybe next time folks. Maybe next time.

The Saga Continues

So the market is soaring the S&P 500 is at a record high and everyone is celebrating. Well everyone except for Bobby Axelrod who is still waiting for his helipad. Will his dreams ever come true? Stay tuned for the next episode of 'Billions: The Helipad Chronicles'.


  • Whiskeh profile pic
    2/23/2024 3:17:34 AM

    If the market keeps going up, maybe Bobby can finally afford that helipad.

  • siby2aby profile pic
    2/19/2024 1:57:43 PM

    Bobby, just buy your own damn helipad already! You're a billionaire, for crying out loud!