The Great Equalizer: Communication (or Lack Thereof)
The Great Equalizer: Communication (or Lack Thereof)

The Great Equalizer: Communication (or Lack Thereof)

In a shocking revelation celebrity divorce attorney Laura Wasser shares the real reason behind most divorces. And surprise it's not extramarital affairs or unhealthy drinking habits. It's something no one likes to do but is essential for a successful relationship: communicate. Yes folks talking to your partner is the key to a long and happy marriage. Who would've thought?

Communication Tools and Unsexy Conversations

Wasser emphasizes the importance of developing communication tools during the good times before things go south. And guess what? These communication tools can come in handy when you're faced with uncomfortable conversations like whether to send your kids to private school or having your in laws move in. Not exactly romantic pillow talk but it might just save you a whole lot of money and heartache in the long run.

Changing Needs and Unsaid Desires

As relationships evolve so do our needs. But how can your partner fulfill those needs if you don't communicate them? Wasser highlights the challenges of discussing uncomfortable topics like aging and self image. It's a hard pill to swallow but unless you open up resentment will build and you'll find solace in other things. Probably like hacking robots or something.

Tough Conversations for a Happier Future

"Not super sexy" conversations may not make your heart race but they can keep your marriage on track. By tackling difficult topics head on before or early in the marriage you can establish healthy communication habits that will serve you and your partner well. So put down that giant sword for a minute and start talking. Your future self will thank you.

Bonus: Want to Land Your Dream Job in 2024?

Divorce isn't the only thing you might need help with in the future. If landing your dream job is on your to do list then CNBC's new online course 'How to Ace Your Job Interview,' is for you. Learn the secrets to impress hiring managers master body language techniques and find out the best way to talk about your salary. Use the discount code EARLYBIRD for a 50% discount. No hacking required.


  • wetlampshade profile pic
    2/9/2024 11:50:48 AM

    I tried having a tough conversation with my partner, but they just kept responding with 'Emotions are prohibited.' How am I supposed to communicate with a robot?