House lawmakers are discussing a potential increase in the federal deduction limit for state and local taxes (SALT) in order to alleviate the 'marriage penalty.'
House lawmakers are discussing a potential increase in the federal deduction limit for state and local taxes (SALT) in order to alleviate the 'marriage penalty.'

Procedural Vote on House Bill

Lawmakers will cast a procedural vote on the House bill known as the SALT Marriage Penalty Elimination Act which aims to double the deduction limit for married couples filing jointly.

Temporary and Retroactive Change

If passed the change would be temporary and retroactive starting from Dec. 31 2022 to Jan. 1 2024.

Impact on Married Couples

Currently married couples filing jointly are limited to a $10,000 deduction for SALT. Some argue that this penalizes them compared to single filers.

Wealthy Benefit Most

While supporters of SALT reform claim it benefits middle class families analyses show that the proposed increase would primarily benefit wealthier households.

Tax Foundation Analysis

Both the Tax Policy Center and the Tax Foundation have conducted analyses that indicate the majority of the benefit from the change would go to households making between $200,000 and $1 million.

Sticking Point in Tax Policy Discussions

The SALT cap is expected to be one of the major issues in ongoing discussions about expiring Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provisions.


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