The rise and fall of 2U, as told by Sherlock Holmes
The rise and fall of 2U, as told by Sherlock Holmes

The Adventure Begins

When 2U went public a decade ago I couldn't help but be intrigued. A company aiming to make waves in the treacherous waters of the U.S. higher education market? Quite the audacious feat!

Case of the Vanishing Success

For a while it seemed 2U was on a winning streak. Its stock price soared and its growth rates rivaled those of cloud software companies. But alas like Moriarty's schemes the good times couldn't last forever.

The Game is Afoot

Trouble began when universities started terminating their contracts with 2U. The stock price plummeted and doubts arose about the company's future. Just like a stolen Magna Carta 2U found itself in a perilous predicament.

The Red Flags

Financial woes plagued 2U. Weak guidance mounting debt and dwindling cash reserves were as clear as Moriarty's footprints at a crime scene. Analysts lowered their ratings raising doubts about the company's ability to escape its predicament.

A Race Against Time

With its share price sinking lower than the River Thames at low tide 2U faced the risk of delisting. A reverse split may provide temporary relief but it's like treating a bullet wound with a band aid a mere stopgap measure.

The Final Chapter

Once a pioneer 2U now fights for survival. Its CEO steps down and its future hangs in the balance. Can this fallen giant rise again or will it be consigned to the annals of educational history?


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