The web-slinging superhero gives his take on 2U's financial crisis
The web-slinging superhero gives his take on 2U's financial crisis

From Superhero to Super Fail

Well well well looks like even superheroes can't save the day in the higher education market. 2U the company that once soared to new heights is now struggling to stay afloat.

The Rise and Fall of 2U

2U made quite the entrance a decade ago bursting onto the scene like Green Goblin on a glider. With its online education offerings the stock price skyrocketed faster than Spiderman during his web slinging antics. But now it's fallen faster than Gwen Stacy off a bridge. Ouch.

A Web of Problems

2U's stock price has been swinging below $1 for quite some time now causing more concern than a symbiote invasion. Not only that but some universities are also breaking up with 2U faster than Mary Jane leaves Peter Parker. Talk about a heartbreaker.

Not So Amazing Guidance

2U's weak guidance for the year has investors more worried than Aunt May when Peter comes home with a black eye. The company even warned of 'substantial doubt' about its future. Looks like they need a friendly neighborhood financial advisor.

Web of Debt

With over $900 million in debt 2U is feeling the weight of responsibility more than Spiderman when he has to choose between saving Aunt May or MJ. And their cash on hand? Let's just say it's dwindling faster than Doctor Octopus' supply of mechanical arms.

The Hero Who Couldn't Turn a Profit

Despite their heroic efforts 2U's business model never managed to save the day. Just like Venom trying to resist the urge to snack on brains 2U has been feasting on sales and marketing expenses without much success. They've even managed to rack up over $830 million in losses. Talk about a web of financial woes.


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